The Department of Leadership and Policy in Education

The Program for Leadership & Policy in Education

قِسْمُ اَلْقِيَادَةِ وَالسِّيَاسَاتِ اَلتَّرْبَوِيَّةِ 

Research Projects

Digital Gates to the Holy Land: Transnational Education through Monastic Online Video Production

אולם הכנסייה של מנזר סן סלבטורה

Name Of Project:

Digital Gates to the Holy Land: Transnational Education through , Monastic Online Video Production

Led by Dr. Oren Golan

From online sermons to ISIS beheadings, well-established religious authorities and charismatic movements are frequently turning to video as a medium through which they communicate political and cultural ideas, contend for users' attention, and mediate much of today's religious experience. Despite their widespread use and significant impact on today's competitive religious landscape, online religious videos remain unexplored as a subject of scholarly investigation. This study examines the nature of online videos as a burgeoning popular platform, and specifically questions how religious organizations act to shape users' worldviews and negotiate meaning via online video-mediated communication.

Communicating Science among the Jewish Ultra-Orthodox in Israel: Journalistic Praxis and Audience Reception in Insular Communities

Haredi Newspaper Logos

Name Of Project:

Communicating Science among the Jewish Ultra-Orthodox in Israel: Journalistic Praxis and Audience Reception in Insular Communities

Collaboratively Led by: 

Dr. Oren Golan, Department of Leadership and Educational Policy, University of Haifa

Professor Yariv Tsfati, Department of Communication, University of Haifa

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion

In recent years, scholars have noted dramatic changes in ultra-Orthodox Jewish (Haredi) engagement with science and modernity. This project is designed to explore how scientific knowledge is being legitimized and appropriated in the Haredi community in Israel. Specifically, we will investigate the role of the press, an informal, popular means of communicating science and educating the public to: (a) explore the ways in which Haredi online and print journalists view and represent scientific knowledge; (b) identify and analyze the scientific content disseminated via the print/online Haredi press; (c) investigate the meaning- making processes of scientific knowledge Haredi readers of the press. The findings will not only shed light on processes of integration that occur within Haredi society, but will also help better understand processes of science education in insular communities and the role of the press in fostering science education. This will lead to appropriate policy-making recommendations to enhance science communication and science education in the Haredi community 

Teaching Civics and Islam in the Israeli education system and Arab-Palestinian’ teachers civic and religious identities: Convergences and Divergencies!

:Name Of Project

Teaching Civics and Islam in the Israeli education system and Arab-Palestinian’ teachers civic and religious identities: Convergences and Divergencies!

Led by:

Ayman K. Agbaria and Aline Muff

Description of the research aspect of the project:

we propose to investigate the intersections between civics and religion, exploring how Arab-Palestinian teachers negotiate their civic and religious identities and how these influence their teaching of these subjects. Our central research questions (which are discussed in more detail on p.5) are: 

(1) How are civic issues framed and taught in religious education and vice versa? 

(2) How do teachers’ conceptions of their civic and religious identities influence their teaching of these two subjects?!

(3) What informs the framing and teaching of civic and religious issues?!

קישורים רלוונטיים:

Sponsored by The Walter-Lebach Institute for Jewish-Arab Coexistence